From Taipei 101, I went back to the hotel, Delight Hotel, to shower. It was around 1:30 p.m. when I reached the hotel. After taking a bath, I rechecked the way to Danshui and back. Again, I used Google maps to preview the street-view of Danshui.
From Taipei 101, I went back to the hotel, Delight Hotel, to shower. It was around 1:30 p.m. when I reached the hotel. After taking a bath, I rechecked the way to Danshui and back. Again, I used Google maps to preview the street-view of Danshui.
Amazed with my own energy (I only had a two-hour sleep, or so, at the airport), I walked towards the nearby MRT station and before changing lines going to the Main Station, I exchanged some dollars at the information booth/customer service of some sort in Sogo, Zhong Xiao Fuxing Station. The sales people were criminally cute in their uniforms and matching hats. They didn't allow me to take their pics, though; apparently, it's prohibited. Anyway, I was asked for my passport and for my address in Taiwan as requirements for changing currencies. There was no service fee and the exchange rate was high. So, yay!
From Zhong Xiao Fuxing Station, I changed trains to the blue line heading to the Main Station. From there, I changed to the red line going to Danshui, the last stop. It was a long ride from the Main Station to Danshui, about 17 stops in all. But it was worth it; I loved the scenery.
When I reached Danshui Station, I walked around 10 minutes or more to the ferry station; the street was overly crowded with local tourists, and the wind was strong. I forgot to dress for the weather condition: I was wearing a full, knee-length skirt which kept on rising because of the wind. And riding a ferry at 5:00 p.m. and standing outside was a bad idea. The waves were slightly obnoxious and the winds, a disaster. One hand was holding my cameras (yes, I had 2 with me); the other was keeping my skirt down. For balance, I leaned on the railings. A couple of times, salty seawater sprayed my face; occasionally, I accidentally flashed the teens behind me: sorry for giving them nightmares. Yup. So embarrassing. Anyway, while the ride as bumpy, with people screaming everytime we meet a big wave, it didn't deter me from taking pictures and videos. And yes, since it was a cloudy day, the skies were sort of a drab bluish gray/dirty white. All I got were murky clouds and salt water on my lens.
But all was well when we got nearer the bridge. It was beautiful, but I get it when people just dismiss it as nothing but a bridge. For me, though, I loved its color and when you're on the boat, you could see it gleaming white on the horizon. It also has a boardwalk, perfect for catching that beautiful sunset. It is indeed the place to be for lovers, families, children, friends; it was teeming with people. Well, mostly local people, and their kawaii canine friends. Another great thing about the place is that even if it's crowded, it isn't noisy; at least it wasn't when I was there. It was serene, actually.
But all was well when we got nearer the bridge. It was beautiful, but I get it when people just dismiss it as nothing but a bridge. For me, though, I loved its color and when you're on the boat, you could see it gleaming white on the horizon. It also has a boardwalk, perfect for catching that beautiful sunset. It is indeed the place to be for lovers, families, children, friends; it was teeming with people. Well, mostly local people, and their kawaii canine friends. Another great thing about the place is that even if it's crowded, it isn't noisy; at least it wasn't when I was there. It was serene, actually.

I timed my arrival for sunset because I wanted to see how the bridge looks like with the setting sun to get great pictures. But it was really cloudy and it was past 6 p.m. already but no orange, pink or red colors in sight. I got really bored and I didn't bring with me any book or manga. Plus, the wind was billowing. I hate to wait, really, so I decided to leave before the night set in and boarded a Red 26 bus back to the Danshui MRT Station. Even now, I'm kicking myself for not lingering longer at the bridge. I didn't even try to visit Fort Santo Domingo and the other places of interest because well, my skirt kept rising every time the wind blew and I got so exasperated.
Since I would pass by Jiantan Station on my way back to the hotel, I specifically planned going to Shilin after Danshui. And indeed, I was in Shilin Night Market in time for dinner. There were a lot of people since it was a Saturday, and the humid air made my trip all the more uncomfortable. But hey, I wanted to eat good food, in particular that XXL Chicken. Actually, I saw one stall of XXL Chicken at Danshui but I thought it'd be better to buy from the stall in Shilin. So, I lined up, and there was around 30 people in front of me. But the line was quick and I was handed a plastic bag so they'd know I was a waiting customer. But I didn't eat my chicken right away. I was so thirsty that I consumed a bottle of Pocari sweat in one big gulp, and I ate sausage on a stick that I saw inside the food market. I wasn't able to take pictures of the market since it was so crowded, save for three bad shots. Oh well.
I would have wanted to wander Shilin Night Market but I didn't. There were a lot of tourists, they came by the busload. I was so tired and I had no more energy to shop-hop. So, after an hour, I decided to go back to the hotel. I just made a mental note that I should come back to Taiwan during the winter or in the spring.
The line of people on the right was for the XXL chicken.