Our second day in HK was a little warmer at 17-18C. Great! I still had to wear tights since I was wearing a mini skirt which I bought, and used, too in Singapore. In fact, I use that Annie skirt from Cotton On a lot. I think it makes my stumpy legs look loads better.
Anyway, we had to join a half day city tour so we'd get a free tour to Shenzhen, China, in the afternoon. Our half-day tour was so boring. We only went to a part of the Avenue of Stars, same place we went to last year, then nothing else. Except for JC jewelry factory, again. We didn't mind the shortened trip since we wanted to go Shenzhen earlier than scheduled.
Avenue of Stars

I believe this is a ferry to Macau.
So, we're off to Shenzhen. Only this time, we were given return-trip tickets. Yay!
The train ride to the Lohu border was uneventful, but the train was packed. I was standing for most of the ride. Anyway, we had to stop for a while after reaching Lohu and bought some drinks, breads and sandwiches and 2 packs of Yakult. The HK Yakult is bigger than our Yakult but tastes the same, of course.
You should know that Lohu is a very busy station as it is the border for HK and Shenzhen, China. Of course, there are a lot of people rushing and it can be very intimidating. So, be cautious and try not to slam into someone.
If there is one advice everyone should follow going to Shenzhen is this: GO STRAIGHT TO THE CHINA IMMIGRATION AREA AND NEVER TURN BACK ONCE YOU GET TO THIS PART.
Why? Well, all people are moving towards the China Immigration right after having their passports stamped by the HK Immigration and if you turn back, the security will chase after you. You'll be suspected of having illegally entered the Hong Kong part of immigration, that is why. We saw a lady, in her 20s walking against the flow and she was shouted at, chased and accosted by the security and was brought to a holding area. Let it be a lesson for all.